The king and queen freed him and even gave him money and ships for a fourth voyage. This one left Spain in 1502 and sailed to the island of Martinique and then to Honduras, in Central America. After more exploring in the Caribbean, Columbus returned home to Spain (he was sick), in 1504. He died two years later, still believing he had reached Asia.
The Fourth Voyage: towards the interior of Colombia
Sebastian de Belalcazar took charge of the fourth stage of the Conquest. He was already founder of Quito. After that, he followed his way to the north and founded Popayan and Cali in 1536. Nicolás de Federman came from Coro, Venezuela and founded Rioacha.
This stage took place in the inner part of the country, looking for The Dorado. It was a strategy of the indigenous tribes to get rid of the Spanish. They left looking for a city made of gold. Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada started this stage in the North and founded Santa Fe de Bogota in 1538.
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