martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


What Causes the Four Seasons?
The four seasons are caused by the way the earth spins on it's axis. The tilt is the cause some areas of the earth will receive more sunlight than others.
Why do We have Four Seasons?
We have different seasons because the Earth rotates on its axis. As the Earth turns it gets closer to the sun at times. Then as it keeps going it gets further away from the sun. That’s what makes the seasons change.
What are the Four Seasons of the Year?
The four seasons of the year are Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Summer tends to be the hottest; winter is the coldest. Spring has nice warm temperatures and Fall has those temperatures that are just beginning to cool down.




Caquetá is a department of Colombia. Located in the Amazonas region, Caquetá borders with the departments of Cauca and Huila to the west, the department of Meta to the north, the department of Guaviare to the northeast, the department of Vaupés to the east, the departments of Amazonas and Putumayo to the south.
Caquetá has 16 municipalities (Florencia, Albania, San Vicente del Caguan, etc). Its capital is FLORENCIA.
The main economy is mining, agriculture and cattle farming.


It is located in the Amazon region. At the north of this department is located Meta and Vichada; at the west Caquetá and Meta; and at the south is Caquetá and Vaupés.
Its capital is San José del Guaviare. Guaviare has 4 municipalities (San José del Guaviare, Miraflores, Calamar y el Retorno).
The main economy is agriculture, cattle farming and forestry.

It is in the east of the country, bordering Venezuela and Brazil. Its capital is Puerto Inirida. The department is known for its coca crops and the guerrilla presence, but many in Colombia ignore the beauty landscape, the variety in food and the Indians deep sense of hospitality.
There's only one municipality in Guainía: Inírida, the capital.
The main economy is agriculture and cattle farming.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011


                           CAFÉ COLOMBIANO


El café es una de las bebidas más consumidas a nivel mundial y aunque Colombia se considera como uno de los mejores productores, es a su vez uno de los países que menos lo consume.
El café colombiano es reconocido como el mejor café del mundo y en varios países como una excelencia gastronómica
El café viene de diferentes plantas o arbustos que se dan en la región tropical llamada el Eje cafetero de Colombia., la cual se extiende a lo largo de las pendientes de las cordilleras en el clima templado, concentrándose especialmente en los departamentos de, Caldas, Risaralda y Quindío. También Antioquia, Tolima y Valle del Cauca son productores de café.
  • Zona cafetera: 3'050.141 hectáreas
  • Área café: 875.000 hectáreas
  • Producción: 12'200.000 sacos (1 saco = 60 kg.).
  • Municipios cafeteros: 590
  • Caficultores: 514.000
  • Destino exportación: 40 países
  • Duración para tostar el grano: 10 a 20 minutos -Temperatura: entre 400º F y 425º F.
Juan Valdéz. Personaje creado por la Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia para promover las ventas de café en el exterior. Representa al típico campesino de la región cafetera colombiana que acompañado de un burro trasporta los sacos de café.


La Orquídea Cattleya Trianae es una planta epífita de hojas carnosas, oriunda de Colombia, de hermosas flores. Fue escogida como flor nacional según un concepto emitido por la Academia Colombiana de Historia en 1936. Debe su nombre al jardinero inglés Mr. W. Cattley, quien ocasionalmente la cultivó y divulgó en Europa y al naturalista colombiano José Jerónimo Triana.  
Aunque no hay ningún decreto o ley que la haya escogido como la flor nacional, culturalmente así ha sido aceptada. Sin embargo, está en peligro de extinción.

Es sabido que las Orquídeas Colombianas están señaladas entre las más hermosas del mundo. La estructura y los colores de la Cattleya Trianae son de una extraordinaria belleza.

Al género Cattleya pertenecen plantas originarias de las zonas tropicales del Sur y de Centro América.
Las orquídeas Cattleya necesitan temperaturas adecuadas, durante el invierno, alrededor de 13-15°C cómo temperaturas mínimas y 22-23°C como máximas. En verano, las temperaturas no deberían superar 30-32°C. Es importante que el cambio entre día y noche no sea superior a 5-6 °C.

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011


El monacato proviene de la vida solitaria altamente cristiana con el continuo esfuerzo para llegar a la perfección espiritual. El monje (o la monja) es la persona que ha rehusado (abnegado) el mundo para dedicarse a la oración y al cumplimiento de todos los mandamientos evangélicos, incluyendo la obediencia (la negación de su propia voluntad), la paciencia y la castidad. Por cuanto la meta del monacato en resumen consiste en la imitación de Cristo, los monjes que pudieron llegar a tal bienaventurado estado se denominan imitadores (de Cristo).


It is located at the South of Colombia. At the North of Amazonas is located Caquetá and Vaupés; at the South the Amazonas River; at the East Brasil and at the West is located Putumayo and Perú.
Amazonas has two municipalities: Leticia and Puerto Nariño.
The capital of this department is Leticia. From 1991 Amazonas was recognized as department. The main economical activities are: fishing, tourism, agriculture and forest exploitation.
Francisco de Arellano explored this department in 1524.
We can arrive to Leticia by plane, it takes one hour and forty five minutes.


Vichada is located in the Orinoquia region within the Orinoco river basin bordering the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the north and east. To the north the department of Vichada also borders to the north with the department of Arauca, to the northwest with the department of Casanare, to the west with the department of Meta, to the southwest narrowly bordering with the department of Guaviare and to the south with the department of Guainía.
The capital of the department is Puerto Carreño. The department is subdivided into four municipalities; Puerto Carreño, La Primavera, Santa Rosalía and Cumaribo.
Climate in the Department of Vichada is predominantly hot and humid with an average temperature of 28 °C (82 °F) throughout the year.
The main activities in this department are: agriculture, cattle farming, fishing and crude oil production.


It is bounded by Guainía department (north), Brazil (east), the Apoporis River (south), and Guaviare department (west).
The capital is Mitú; Vaupés has 3 municipalities.
The main economic activities of Vaupés are subsistence agriculture, fishing, forestry, and the collection of plants for medicinal and traditional purposes.
The first conquistador in arriving to this department was Hernán Pérez de Quesada in 1538.


Complete the chart.
How many flat surfaces, edges…. Etc, each solid figure have?
1.    CUBE




5.     SPHERE

6.     CONE


En el siguiente link encontrarán la actividad de Área y Perímetro que se trabajó en clase el 2 de Noviembre.


PERIMETER:  Is the distance around a plane figure. We have to add the lengths of the sides to find the perimeter.
AREA: Is the number of square units needed to cover a surface. You can count the number of squares units to find the area. You can find the area of a rectangle by multiplying the length by the width. It is measured in square (Sq) units; some of these units are: squared centimeters (Cm2); squeared metres (m2) and squared kilometers (km2).

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011



1. ROTATION: It is the movement made by the Earth when it spins around its own axis, creating the day and night cycle. This movement lasts 24 hours. When the Earth rotates, a half of the planet is always enlighten, while the other half is dark.

1. REVOLUTION: it is the orbital motion made by Earth turning around the Sun. it takes 365 days and 6 hours. This time period is called a YEAR.
Civil Year: it has 365 days and 6 hours.
Leap – year: it has 366 days and happens every four year.


1.       Atmosphere: it is the gaseous layer surrounding the Earth planet. It is made of several gases, mainly Nitrogen and oxygen.

2.       Hydrosphere: It is the huge mass of water that covers three quarters (3/4) of the planet surface. The Hydrosphere is essential for maintaining living things cycles and nutrient cycles in the planet.

3.       Crust: it is a layer extending from the surface to 33 km deep. It is divided in 2 parts: the Upper zone (forming the continents) and the Lower zone.

4.       Mantle: it is an intermediate layer situated between the lithosphere and the core.

5.       Core: this part of the Earth is unknown because nobody have reached that deep inside. It has a high temperature coming from the remaining heat on planet formation and decaying radioactive elements.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011


Constantino era hijo de Constancio Cloro y de Santa Equia-postólica Elena. En el año 306 fue proclamado emperador.
En el año 312 surgió la guerra contra Majencio. Antes de un combate decisivo, Constantino vio en el cielo un brillante signo de la santa Cruz con las palabras que le acompañaban: "Con ésta vencerás." De noche le apareció en sueños el Salvador y presagió la victoria. Constantino ordenó confeccionar la imagen de la Cruz sobre todos los estandartes. En la batalla que sobrevino, Constantino ganó una decisiva victoria.
Después de convertirse en el único emperador romano, Constantino dedicó toda su vida al servicio del cristianismo. Declaró la libertad de confesión de la fe cristiana (313), puso fin a los juegos y holocaustos paganos, otorgó privilegios al clero y a las iglesias, confirmó la santificación del día domingo, construyó numerosos templos cristianos y derogó las leyes gentiles dirigidas contra el cristianismo.


El primer obispo de Jerusalén fue El Apóstol Santiago quien se desempeñó como presidente del Concilio de Jerusalén en el año 51, lo que demuestra que el Apóstol Pedro no se consideraba como primero exclusivo entre los apóstoles. El Apóstol Santiago llevaba una vida santa, era virgen, no comía carne, no bebía vino y frecuentemente rezaba en el templo de Jerusalén prosternado sobre tierra en oración; por eso la piel de sus rodillas se hizo muy dura.
Los judíos le llamaban el justo. En el transcurso de 30 años reforzó y difundió la fe en Jerusalén y en toda Palestina entre muchos miles de judíos (Hech. Ap. 21:20).


The king and queen freed him and even gave him money and ships for a fourth voyage. This one left Spain in 1502 and sailed to the island of Martinique and then to Honduras, in Central America. After more exploring in the Caribbean, Columbus returned home to Spain (he was sick), in 1504. He died two years later, still believing he had reached Asia.
The Fourth Voyage: towards the interior of Colombia
Sebastian de Belalcazar took charge of the fourth stage of the Conquest. He was already founder of Quito. After that, he followed his way to the north and founded Popayan and Cali in 1536. Nicolás de Federman came from Coro, Venezuela and founded Rioacha.
This stage took place in the inner part of the country, looking for The Dorado. It was a strategy of the indigenous tribes to get rid of the Spanish. They left looking for a city made of gold. Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada started this stage in the North and founded Santa Fe de Bogota in 1538.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011


The Earth, our planet, is composed by three kinds of materials distributed in layers. These layers can be gaseous, solid or liquid.
Gaseous Layer:
It forms the atmosphere that surrounds the planet. The atmosphere has several zones defined as troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere.
Solid Layer:
It’s formed by the crust, the mantle and the core.

Liquid Layer:
It is also called Hydrosphere. It’s the mass of water found on, under and all over the surface of the Earth.


It is the movement made by the moom around its own axis. It takes 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes.
It is the movement made by the Moon around the Earth. It takes 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes.
It is the movement made by the Moon around the Sun at the same time than the Earth.


A continuación encontrarán información sobre lo trabajado hoy (día 2) en la clase de math. Por favor realizar las actividades.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011


The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. It is the nearest celestial body to our planet. The Moon is the only celestial body on which human has landed.
Characteristics of the moon:
1.    It is a solid body, with a spherical shape.
2.   It has not light on his own. Its brightness is the reflection of the sunlight.
3.   There is not water or air in it.
4.   It does not have atmosphere.
5.   Its size is a quarter of the Earth’s size.
6.   It presents smooth dark zones and clear zones.
7.   Its dusty surface is covered with deep craters.
The Phases of the moon are the different aspects that the Moon takes due to the reflected light on its surface. This aspect changes constantly during a month. There are 4 basic phases of the Moon.

1.    First Quarter:
At this moment the dark diminishes, while the enlightened zone increases constantly. The half of the surface is enlightened.
2.   Full Moon:
In this period, the Moon surface is enlightened completely.
3.   Last quarter:
In this phase we can see that the enlightened face diminishes, while a dark shadow covers the half of the surface.
4.   New Moon:
In this period the Moon face becomes completely dark, to appear later, slowly.